About Course
This is the second part of the comprehensive wall bracing plan review course that covers the wall bracing provisions provided in the 2022 California Residential Code (CRC).
This module is approved to provide 0.5 CEUs by the International Code Council (ICC) under the ICC preferred Provider Program.
Target Audience and General Intent
This is an immersive code compliance course that are tailored towards all stake holders in the construction industry. The course are also optimized for code officials including plan reviewers and inspectors. This means that the training is focused on code compliant design. Additionally, the course also includes training on how plan reviewers and inspectors can systematically review construction documents for code compliance.
While we have highlighted the value to plan reviewers and inspectors, this course offers great value to designers too. Both designers and contractors taking this course will encounter the rigor that is necessary in designing and building code compliant structures.
The Course Content
- The determination of the amount of bracing required including considerations for both wind and seismic adjustment factors.
- Factors affecting the capacity of bracing as provided in the California Residential Code – minimum length (contributing length, partial credit), Location, spacing and distribution of panels, mixing of bracing methods, interior gypsum finish and horizontal blocking.
- Code provisions on Load path from the roof to the top plates. load path within the top plates, load path through the wall and floor framing and load path from the wall to the foundations.
- Foundation requirements at braced wall lines as well as the requirements for the framing of cripple walls along braced wall lines. Other foundation supports including concrete stem walls and code limitations on cantilever supports as well as post and pier supports.
- Irregular structures and framing conditions including in plane and out of plane offsets, diaphragm openings, No lateral support on one or may sides, floor level offsets, non-perpendicular shear walls, stories with masonry and concrete construction and hillside construction.
- Plan check examples covering the items covered in this module.
This course is optimized to capture your attention by using top notch animation features including animated images. Additionally, This course is provided using state of the art voice over. This means that the information provided is well researched, critically thought through and properly refined prior to articulation using state-of-the-art systems that have been calibrated for optimized audio quality to facilitate maximum attention.
Other Modules
The wall bracing module is part of a four-module plan review series that is based on the provisions of the California Residential Code.
Module 1 – Conventional Roof and Construction and Engineered Trusses.
Course Content
Section 6: The Determination of the Required Amount of Bracing
Amount of Bracing Required and Adjustment Factors
01:35:10 -
Amount of Bracing
Whether a licensed engineer, a building professional, or someone looking to expand their knowledge on this section of the CRC, this course is an extremely valuable resource which will optimize your understanding of wall bracing design requirements and its implementation in residential construction.